
Voices of Cherokee Women
travelers, traders, and missionaries who encountered the Cherokees from the 16th century to the present.
My Father's War: Fighting with the Buffalo Soldiers in World War II
My Father's War tells the compelling story of a unit of black Buffalo Soldiers and their white commanders fighting on the Italian front during World War II.
The 92nd Division of the Fifth Army was the only African American infantry division to see combat in Europe during 1944 and 1945, suffering more than 3,200 casualties. Members of this unit known as Buffalo Soldiers, endured racial violence on the home front and experienced racism abroad. Engaged in combat for nine months, they were under the command of southern white infantry officers like the authors father, Captain Eugene E. Johnston. This book draws on extensive interviews with Johnston and with the African American veterans of the 92nd Division to describe the experiences of a naive southern white officer and his segregated unit . Gene Johnston and the black soldiers were transformed by the war and upon their return helped transform the nation.